The 'Transform to Bliss'
ANDALUCIA Sept 2018& 2019
were amazing!
The Transform to Bliss
17nd - 22nd September
If you missed the 2018 & 2019 Andalucian Retreats - take a look at the
2021 retreat page for more info on this years retreat!
The last 2 Septembers we were joined by a group of wonderful Yogi's, enjoying an amazing 6 days in the beautiful hills of Andalucia.
They experienced Transformational Yoga & Meditation with Joanne Merlini, memorable trips to the wonderful areas of Andalucia, yummy home-cooked food & all in the warmth of the September Spanish sun.
See our lovely group of 'retreaters' below.
We've had mother & daughters, couples, solo yogi's & friends - all abilities & all ages!
By the end of the week all are firm friends & it's so lovely to see the bond our group make.
We've had fun, got emotional, danced, shared stories, yummy food, a deepening of our yoga practice, profound mediations & memories to last forever!
Our retreats are set in wonderful locations perched on hilltops, with panoramic views of Andalucia.
See the below pic of one of our Yogi's meditating after class on our open studio as the sun went down.

Can you spot our group of Yogi's on this beautiful beach?
On one of our days we enjoyed an early morning (not too early!) Yoga terrace class followed by a wonderful afternoon on one of the most beautiful beaches on the south coast of Spain & a natural park.
We enjoyed lunch together on the beach & finished our day with a 'Beach Balance' group class to ground ourselves & connect with the elements around us as well as one another!

On our 3rd Day it was all about exploring how we flow!
Our morning Yang class involved lots of hip opener asanas, flows, as well as observation of the breath & emotions - followed by a yummy chocolate meditation!
This was our lovely lot, expressing themselves & showing me their favourite postures later in the day as made our way to the beautiful spanish hilltop village of Frigiliana for an explore & a sunset meal.

I think Thursday was every Yogi's favourite day!
It was a full day (everything was optional - but most opted for everything!)
We started our day with a dynamic Morning practice on our open mountainside terrace, a brief pause
& a light breakfast was followed by an
'Energy Activation' workshop
- some sneaky Yogi tips for raising our energies, which set us up for the day!
A high light from my feedback was the afternoon we spent in the waterfalls this day.
This included hiking, pools to jump in (some from great heights - only for the brave!), natural water slides
& beautiful blue pools to bathe & float (this will be included in our 2019 retreat!)
Later in the day we enjoyed a slower Yin Practice, an Indian curry night & an after dinner Ayurveda analysis & talk (we spent 2 weeks with a Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Dr earlier this year learning ayurveda principles, interviewing & undergoing treatments).
We all retreated, tired but very content..

Our after dinner Ayurveda (translated as Life Science & the sister science of Yoga) talk & analysis.
Enjoying a post class afternoon in Granada on the Friday.

Our morning practice was held on the Sunrise terrace with sweeping views of the Andalucian mountains & down to the Meditteranean in the distance.

At the end of our retreat, I asked for some annoymous feedback to help me grow & deliver even better retreats going forward.
This is what they said -
'So much more than a Yoga Retreat. Everything was so carefully thought out from
adventure to meditation - A joy!'
'Really appreciate you hosted this. Couldn't have asked for better'
'Jo you are inspiration. If I could aspire to just a little of your gentleness, kindness,
expertise & love, I would be very happy.'
'100+ - A beautiful retreat, very relaxing. Leaving feeling refreshed.
So tasty, can Marco send a retreat recipe book?'
'Great new friends made & enjoyed many new experiences.
Thank you - life changing in fact'
'Great food! Thank you so much to you & Marco, really well organised & fun'
What wonderful feedback!
We closed our Retreat together with a gratitude ceremony, a conection with our hearts & sent out love on the International Day of Peace before a group hug & a jump in the pool!
It was such an honour to hold space for these beautiful people.
There will be an Andalucian 2019 Transformational Yoga Retreat!
Most of my retreaters have said they want to book a space
(this year there will be space for 10), so if this is of interest to you, contact me.
15th - 20th SEPTEMBER 2019
The most beautiful time in Andalucia & the warmest mediterranean temperatures!